• @gbkent
    [ well I’ve tried my best to put all the topics together and express my feelings #motivation #self-improvement #developingconfidence #experience] thank you ❤

    I, back then worked hard no easy
    My goal is something which for I’m crazy
    I’ve been fighting A to the Z
    Know the way is quite breezy.

    Today I’m getting chance to glow
    So not letting this opportunity to flow
    Let’s get ready, it’s time to show
    I’m confident on my paths to go
    Talent is not others can borrow
    Why hide them keeping in sorrow
    Brand new day is coming tomorrow
    To make your dreams stroke like arrow
    1 step, 2step go get your level up
    If today better tomorrow we’ll develop
    Let’s give our best , no regret no cry
    Gbk supports us why shouldn’t we try?!
    Keeping the fire, persuing the dream
    Winning over waves of barrier’s team
    In “girls universe ” Our willing is enough
    Work hard dream big to reach all above .
    Chase after to dream come true with passion and love
    Speaking out loud ” GBK make me up “

    Dashy, Zephyr and 3 others