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- Hello Namaste.My name is vaishnavi and I am from India .I have my own YouTube channel which catagory is dance . I have 4 lakh subscribers on my YouTube channel & i got my silver play button from YouTube & also i have 200k followers on Instagram.I just love dancing and singing and I have been dancing last 2 years. I have 2 years experience of dance by self practice because I am a self Taught Dancer.I have performed many times on stage so I don’t have any stage fear but I never ever had any personal dance classes for my myself. I have recently become interested in singing because I really do believe that touch someone’s heart and inspire the art that we can world through our singing. I don’t have experience in singing but I am trying to improve it .
My Hobbies are Learning new dance styles,new choreography, kpop dance, listening music in different languages. I love watching animeted movies and cartoons .
I hope my performance would impress you.I am really looking forward to work with you. Please keep me in your mind