활동 Forums 평가제출게시판 September Weekly assignment

  • zakir-hussain

    23/09/2023 at 8:56 오후
    91 Activity Points
    100 Character Points
    0 Dance Points
    0 Vocal Points

    What do they mean according to provided music file

    • Jasu

      23/09/2023 at 9:04 오후
      350 Activity Points
      100 Character Points
      400 Dance Points
      500 Vocal Points

      That’s the September end assignment! This once weekly

  • zakir-hussain

    23/09/2023 at 11:05 오후
    91 Activity Points
    100 Character Points
    0 Dance Points
    0 Vocal Points

    Do we have to prepare 4 given song by company or we should select one whole song?

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